How I Became Super SportyHow I Became Super Sporty

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How I Became Super Sporty

Welcome! If you don't feel very sporty, you may not think that getting into sports is something you will ever do. I know that I never thought I would be the type of person to be involved in my local sports club. I always hated the idea of playing sports. In school, I would avoid any kind of physical activity. However, when I turned 30, my friends organised a weekend away. During that weekend, we played a couple of different sports and I discovered that I really enjoyed it. When I got home, I joined my local sports club. Since then, I have never looked back.

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Ace the Game: The Importance of Getting Tennis Lessons from a Coach

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Top Reasons to Start Martial Arts Classes

Whether you're looking for new ways to get fit or you're craving the fun of a fresh hobby, you may want to consider martial arts classes. In addition to enhancing your physical performance, they're excellent for boosting your confidence and improving your balance. If you're still not sold, here are some reasons to try martial arts classes. Greater Mental Agility Martial arts classes require a lot of focus and determination. As when you learn any new skill, you'll lay down neural pathways that enhance your mental agility. Read More 

The Benefits of Self Defence Classes for the LGBTQIA+ Community

Australians have the right to feel safe and respected, and this isn't just a hopeful statement—the Australian Government Human Rights Commission holds this precise point of view. Sadly, the risk of violence is still something that many Australians must live with on a daily basis, and this is especially true for certain communities. This is why self-defence classes can have a practical application for many Australians, such as those who identify as LGBTQIA+. Read More 

Marine Boat Maintenance: Inspecting Your Motor for Better Performance

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